Class World

  • public class World
    extends java.lang.Object
    World is a wrapper for ChallengeTickEvent, providing easy access to world data.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      World​(ChallengeTickEvent event)
      Creates a World object from a ChallengeTickEvent.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getActionCount()
      Returns the amount of permitted actions per challengeTick.
      BuildArea getBuildArea()
      Returns an Object describing the array where cards are placable.
      Hand getHand()
      Gets an Object containing all playable cards on your card hand.
      Map getMap()
      Returns a Map Object containing all Tiles.
      Metrics getRedrawCosts()
      Returns the amount of resources you have to pay, to redraw your card hands.
      double getRedrawTime()
      Returns the seconds left until the next free redraw is possible.
      Metrics getResources()
      Returns the Resources you currently posses.
      Metrics getResourcesRate()
      Returns the current amount of metrics produced by the map.
      Rewards getRewards()
      Returns an Object containing all collectable rewards.
      int getRound()
      Returns the current round number.
      double getRoundTime()
      Returns the time left in the current round in seconds.
      Metrics getTargetResources()
      Returns the amount of metrics the is needed to survive a round.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • World

        public World​(ChallengeTickEvent event)
        Creates a World object from a ChallengeTickEvent.
        event - current ChallengeTickEvent
    • Method Detail

      • getActionCount

        public int getActionCount()
        Returns the amount of permitted actions per challengeTick. The value is usually one.
        amount of concurrent actions
      • getMap

        public Map getMap()
        Returns a Map Object containing all Tiles. This Tiles contribute to the Resource calculation.
        a map
      • getRound

        public int getRound()
        Returns the current round number. Round numbers are zero indexed.
        current Round number starting with 0
      • getRoundTime

        public double getRoundTime()
        Returns the time left in the current round in seconds.
        time left in seconds
      • getHand

        public Hand getHand()
        Gets an Object containing all playable cards on your card hand.
        all tiles placeable
      • getBuildArea

        public BuildArea getBuildArea()
        Returns an Object describing the array where cards are placable.
        area where tiles can be placed
      • getRewards

        public Rewards getRewards()
        Returns an Object containing all collectable rewards.
        all rewards, collectable
      • getRedrawCosts

        public Metrics getRedrawCosts()
        Returns the amount of resources you have to pay, to redraw your card hands. If all costs are zero, the redraw is free. When the redraw is free not all cards are overwritten, just the free slot will be filled again. There are 5 slots.
        current redraw costs
      • getRedrawTime

        public double getRedrawTime()
        Returns the seconds left until the next free redraw is possible.
        time left for free redraw
      • getResources

        public Metrics getResources()
        Returns the Resources you currently posses. This resource have to exceed the target Resource at the end of each round. If the resource goal is missed twice in secession the game is lost.
        current metrics
      • getTargetResources

        public Metrics getTargetResources()
        Returns the amount of metrics the is needed to survive a round.
        target metrics
      • getResourcesRate

        public Metrics getResourcesRate()
        Returns the current amount of metrics produced by the map.
        rate metrics