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All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
- AcceptGame - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication.NotInGameResponse.Type
Accepts a game request.
- Action - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions
An Action is Package Send from bot to the game.
- Action() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.Action
Empty default constructor
- actionCount - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.ChallengeTickEvent
amount of actions that can be played
- actionPossible() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Controller
Returns whether its possible to add another action to the current ChallengeTick.
- ActionsList - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions
A list of action, to be send to the game together.
- ActionsList() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ActionsList
Creates an empty ActionsList
- ActionsList(List<Action>) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ActionsList
Creates a ActionList from a Actions list.
- ActionsList(Action) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ActionsList
Creates a ActionList from a single action.
- add(Action) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ActionsList
Adds one action to the action list.
- add(CubeCoordinate) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
Add CubeVector, to this CubeCoordinate/CubeVector.
- add(Vec2) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Vec2
add two vectors (neither will be modified)
- Added - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.TileStatusEvent.TileStatusKind
event was triggered by the tile placer.
- App - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria
Main class of the game.
- App() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.App
DO NOT USE: this is a static class (but gradle wants this comment)
- AreaIterator(CubeCoordinate.AreaIterator) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate.AreaIterator
Creates a copy of another AreaIterator.
- AreaIterator(CubeCoordinate, int) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate.AreaIterator
Constructs a new AreaIterator with a center and radius.
- at(CubeCoordinate) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Map
Get Tile at a position.
- b - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureRgbTileAction
color blue value: in [0, 255]
- b - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.RgbTile
blue color value
- Beehive - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
Beehive tile.
- BeehiveTile - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
A bee hive is a tile producing food.
- BeehiveTile() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.BeehiveTile
Creates a coordinate less bee hive tile.
- BeehiveTile(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.BeehiveTile
Creates a bee hive with coordinates.
- BeehiveTile(CubeCoordinate, JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.BeehiveTile
Creates a bee hive with a coordinate and extra json meta data.
- Bot - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots
A general class describing a abstract Bot kind.
- Bot() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Bot
Empty default constructor
- BOT_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ChallengeBot
time limit for computing one move
- BotServer - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria
The BotServer handles all connection and starting games.
- BotServer(InetSocketAddress, BotServer.OnGameStart) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.BotServer
Creates a WebSocket server, with a address an game start handler
- BotServer.OnGameStart - Interface in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria
Game Starter interface for lambdas.
- buildArea - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.ChallengeTickEvent
World buildArea.
- BuildArea - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world
The BuildArea describes the area where tiles are placable.
- BuildArea() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.BuildArea
Creates a empty build area.
- callback(Event) - Method in interface page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ConnectionHandler.EventCallback
Defines a callback for a game event.
- center - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.BuildArea
Center of the build area (likely 0)
- ChallengeBot - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots
A ChallengeBot is the scaffolding for Bot playing the game in challenge mode.
- ChallengeBot() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ChallengeBot
Empty default constructor.
- ChallengeTick - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.Event.EventType
Event type for: challenge tick.
- ChallengeTickEvent - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events
A ChallengeTickEvent is a event send by the game to indicate, that the challenge bot should play a move.
- ChallengeTickEvent() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.ChallengeTickEvent
Creates an empty ChallengeTickEvent.
- ChallengeTickEvent(JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.ChallengeTickEvent
Creates a ChallengeTickEvent from json data.
- Chameleon - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
Chameleon tile.
- ChameleonTile - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
A chameleon tile can be used in chameleon mode, for visual purposes.
- ChameleonTile() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ChameleonTile
Creates a coordinate less chameleon tile.
- ChameleonTile(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ChameleonTile
Creates a chameleon tile with coordinates.
- ChameleonTile(CubeCoordinate, JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ChameleonTile
Creates a chameleon tile with a coordinate and extra json meta data.
- ChameleonTile(ChameleonTile) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ChameleonTile
Create a copy/clone of a house.
- Changed - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.TileStatusEvent.TileStatusKind
event was triggered while editing tile data.
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
Creates a clone of this Coordinate.
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Metrics
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.BeehiveTile
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ChameleonTile
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.DoubleHouseTile
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ForestTile
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.GrassTile
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MarketplaceTile
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MoaiTile
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.RgbTile
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.SmallHouseTile
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneHillTile
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneMountainTile
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneQuarryTile
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneRocksTile
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile
Creates a clone of the tile.
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.WheatTile
- clone() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.WindmillTile
- collectReward(CubeCoordinate) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Controller
Every few seconds small rewards spawn over the map.
- CollectRewardAction - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions
CollectReward is a action used for collecting small rewards.
- CollectRewardAction(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.CollectRewardAction
Creates a collect reward action from a coordinate
- Config - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria
Bot Config.
- Config() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.Config
DO NOT USE: this is a static class (but gradle wants this comment)
- ConfigureChameleonTileAction - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions
ConfigureChameleon is an Action to change the type and text of a placed chameleon tile.
- ConfigureChameleonTileAction(CubeCoordinate, Tile.TileType, String) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureChameleonTileAction
Generates an action that reconfigures an chameleon tile.
- configureMarket(CubeCoordinate, double, double) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Controller
A Marketplace tile can sell materials and food, produced in proximity to it.
- ConfigureMarketplaceTileAction - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions
ConfigureMarket is action to change the trade ration of a market place.
- ConfigureMarketplaceTileAction(CubeCoordinate, double, double) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureMarketplaceTileAction
Generates an action that reconfigures a market place.
- ConfigureRgbTileAction - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions
ConfigureRgb is an Action to change the color of a placed rgb tile.
- ConfigureRgbTileAction(CubeCoordinate, int, int, int) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureRgbTileAction
Generates an action that reconfigures an rgb tile.
- connectionClosed() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ConnectionHandler
Notifies the ConnectionHandler, that the Game connection was closed.
- ConnectionHandler - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots
Handles the connection with a game.
- ConnectionHandler(WebSocket) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ConnectionHandler
Creates a new ConnectionHandler, with an open and validated WebSocket
- ConnectionHandler.EventCallback - Interface in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots
Interface for callable thinks.
- ConnectionHandler.EventRef - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots
EventRef is a smart reference for a specific registered event.
- contains(CubeCoordinate) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.BuildArea
Checks if a coordinate is on the build area.
- Controller - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots
Controller for the challenge mode.
- Controller(ChallengeTickEvent) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Controller
Creates a new challenge controller.
- Controller.TooManyActionsException - Exception in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots
TooManyActionsException is a RuntimeException indicating that adding a action failed, because the limit was reached.
- coord - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.CollectRewardAction
coordinate to collect a reward from.
- coord - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureChameleonTileAction
Coordinate of tile to be configured.
- coord - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureMarketplaceTileAction
Coordinate of the tile to be configured.
- coord - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureRgbTileAction
Coordinate of tile to be configured.
- coord - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.GetTileStatusAction
Coordinate of the tile to take.
- coord - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.TakeAction
Coordinate of the tile to take.
- coord - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Reward
coordinate of this reward.
- coord - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile
Coordinate of this tile.
- coordinate - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.TileClickedEvent
Coordinate of clicked tile.
- coordinate - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.TileStatusEvent
Coordinate of changed tile
- CreativeBot - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots
Structure for a creative bot.
- CreativeBot() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.CreativeBot
Empty default CreativeBot constructor
- CubeCoordinate - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world
CubeCoordinate/CubeVector: This class can be used to compute Coordinates or Vectors in a hexagon world.
- CubeCoordinate() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
Creates a 0 CubeCoordinate or a 0 CubeVector.
- CubeCoordinate(int, int, int) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
Creates a CubeCoordinate/CubeVector with coordinates.
- CubeCoordinate(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
Copy/clone a CubeCoordinate/CubeVector.
- CubeCoordinate.AreaIterator - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world
An AreaIterator iterates over all tiles in a filled hexagon with a center and radius.
- CubeCoordinate.RingIterator - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world
The RingIterator is a Iterator and Iterable over CubeCoordinate's.
- dataToString() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ChameleonTile
- dataToString() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MarketplaceTile
- dataToString() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.RgbTile
- dataToString() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile
Can be used by tile to add internal data to `toString`.
- deserialize(String) - Static method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile
Deserializes a Tile without data.
- deserialize(JSONArray) - Static method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Hand
deserialize Hand from json
- deserialize(JSONArray) - Static method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Map
deserializes the map from json
- deserialize(JSONArray) - Static method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Rewards
deserializes a reward list from a json object
- deserialize(JSONObject) - Static method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.Event
Deserializes an Event.
- deserialize(JSONObject) - Static method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication.NotInGame
deserializes a NotInGame message from json
- deserialize(JSONObject) - Static method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.BuildArea
deserializes a build area from json
- deserialize(JSONObject) - Static method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
deserializes a CubeCoordinate from json
- deserialize(JSONObject) - Static method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Metrics
deserializes metrics from a json object.
- deserialize(JSONObject) - Static method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile
Deserializes a Tile with data.
- Discovery - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication.NotInGame.Type
Discovery request, used for checking the connection.
- distance(CubeCoordinate) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
Returns the hex len between two coordinates.
- div(int) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
Divide this CubeVector be scalar value.
- div(int) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Vec2
divides vector by a scalar value (this will not be modified)
- DoubleHouse - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
DoubleHouse tile.
- DoubleHouseTile - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
A DoubleHouse is a tile producing money.
- DoubleHouseTile() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.DoubleHouseTile
Creates a coordinate less double house tile.
- DoubleHouseTile(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.DoubleHouseTile
Creates a double house with coordinates.
- DoubleHouseTile(CubeCoordinate, JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.DoubleHouseTile
Creates a double house with a coordinate and extra json meta data.
- economy - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MarketplaceTile
contains a economy tracker of this marketplace.
- EDGE_LENGTH - Static variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
Edge length of a tile in cartesian coordinates = 1 / SQRT(3)
- equals(Object) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
- equals(Object) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Vec2
- event - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.World
linked ChallengeTickEvent
- Event - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events
Events are messages send from the game to the bot.
- Event() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.Event
abstract Event constructor
- Event.EventType - Enum in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events
Type of incoming events.
- EventRef(Event.EventType, ConnectionHandler.EventCallback) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ConnectionHandler.EventRef
Constructs an EventRef.
- executeTurn(World, Controller) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ChallengeBot
This method be called every game resource tick.
- Executor - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria
static helper class, for timed function execution.
- Executor() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.Executor
DO NOT USE: this is a static class (but gradle wants this comment)
- food - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureMarketplaceTileAction
percentage of food to sell: in [0.0, 1.0]
- food - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Metrics
food component of the metrics/resources
- food - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MarketplaceTile
amount of food being sold
- Food - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Reward.RewardType
reward contains food
- Forest - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
Forest tile.
- ForestTile - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
A Forest tile produces materials.
- ForestTile() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ForestTile
Creates a coordinate less forest tile.
- ForestTile(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ForestTile
Creates a forest tile with coordinates.
- ForestTile(CubeCoordinate, JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ForestTile
Creates a forest tile with a coordinate and extra json meta data.
- fromArgs(String[]) - Static method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.Config
Initializes the static Class Config.
- fromName(String) - Static method in enum page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
Parse TileType name to enum instance.
- g - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureRgbTileAction
color green value: in [0, 255]
- g - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.RgbTile
green color value
- GameOver - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.Event.EventType
Event type for: game has finished.
- GameOverEvent - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events
Event send on game over.
- GameOverEvent() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.GameOverEvent
Creates a GameOverEvent
- GameRequest - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication.NotInGame.Type
game start request, used to ask the bot to start a game.
- get(int) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Hand
Gets the Card from the Hand at a given index.
- get(int) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Rewards
Gets the Reward by index.
- getActionCount() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.World
Returns the amount of permitted actions per challengeTick.
- getActionList() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Controller
The Controller is a wrapper for ActionsList.
- getArea(int) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
Creates Iterator iterating all coordinates in a given radius.
- getArea(CubeCoordinate, int) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Map
Returns an Iterator, that iterates over all existing tiles in a given radius.
- getBuildArea() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.World
Returns an Object describing the array where cards are placable.
- getCenter() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.BuildArea
Returns the center of the build area.
- getCoordinate() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Reward
Returns the coordinate of the reward.
- getCoordinate() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile
Returns Coordinate of Tile.
- getEconomy() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MarketplaceTile
Marketplaces trade materials and food for money.
- getEventType() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.Event
Get EventType from Event object.
- getFood() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Metrics
get food component.
- getHand() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.World
Gets an Object containing all playable cards on your card hand.
- getMap() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.World
Returns a Map Object containing all Tiles.
- getMaterials() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Metrics
get materials component.
- getMatrikel() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ChallengeBot
Please return your „Matrikelnummer“ als int.
- getModeName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Bot
API name of the mode
- getModeName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ChallengeBot
- getModeName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.CreativeBot
- getModeName() - Static method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.Config
Gathers the Api name of the current Bot gamemode.
- getMoney() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Metrics
get money component
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.Action
Name of the action in the json package.
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.CollectRewardAction
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureChameleonTileAction
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureMarketplaceTileAction
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureRgbTileAction
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.GetTileStatusAction
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.PlaceAction
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.RedrawAction
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.RegisterEventAction
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.TakeAction
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.UnRegisterAllEventsAction
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.UnRegisterEventAction
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ChallengeBot
Here you can become creative.
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.BeehiveTile
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ChameleonTile
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.DoubleHouseTile
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ForestTile
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.GrassTile
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MarketplaceTile
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MoaiTile
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.RgbTile
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.SmallHouseTile
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneHillTile
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneMountainTile
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneQuarryTile
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneRocksTile
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile
Name of Tile in Api interface.
- getName() - Method in enum page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
Get API name of tile.
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.WheatTile
- getName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.WindmillTile
- getNeighbors(CubeCoordinate) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Map
Returns all existing Tile that are direct neighbors of the given coordinate.
- getRadius() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.BuildArea
The hexagon radius of the build area.
- getRedrawCosts() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.World
Returns the amount of resources you have to pay, to redraw your card hands.
- getRedrawTime() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.World
Returns the seconds left until the next free redraw is possible.
- getResources() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.World
Returns the Resources you currently posses.
- getResourcesRate() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.World
Returns the current amount of metrics produced by the map.
- getRewards() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.World
Returns an Object containing all collectable rewards.
- getRing(int) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
Creates Iterator iterating all coordinates on the outline of an hexagon.
- getRing(CubeCoordinate, int) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Map
Returns an Iterator, that iterates over all existing tiles on a hexagon outline.
- getRound() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.World
Returns the current round number.
- getRoundTime() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.World
Returns the time left in the current round in seconds.
- getStudentName() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ChallengeBot
Please return your name in a string.
- getTargetResources() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.World
Returns the amount of metrics the is needed to survive a round.
- GetTileStatusAction - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions
Action for requesting a
. - GetTileStatusAction(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.GetTileStatusAction
Create a take action with a coordinate
- getType() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Reward
Returns the type of an reward.
- getValue() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Reward
Returns the dynamic value of a reward.
- Grass - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
Grass tile.
- GrassTile - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
A grass tile does not produce anything.
- GrassTile() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.GrassTile
Creates a coordinate less grass tile.
- GrassTile(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.GrassTile
Creates a grass tile with coordinates.
- GrassTile(CubeCoordinate, JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.GrassTile
Creates a grass tile with a coordinate and extra json meta data.
- hand - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.ChallengeTickEvent
Cards in hand, that are placeable.
- hand - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Hand
placeable cards
- Hand - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world
Hand class is list of Tiles.
- Hand() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Hand
Creates a empty hand.
- hashCode() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
- hashCode() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Vec2
- hasNext() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate.AreaIterator
- hasNext() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate.RingIterator
- hasNext() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Map.MapIterator
- hexLen() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
Returns the size that a hexagon area, centered around (0,0,0), would have to be, to contain the Coordinate.
- Identity - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication.NotInGameResponse.Type
Send game identity the game.
- injectActionList(ActionsList) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Controller
The Controller is a wrapper for ActionsList.
- isDiscovery() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication.NotInGame
message kind is discovery
- isEmpty() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Hand
If no card is available.
- isEmpty() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Rewards
If no reward is available.
- isGameRequest() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication.NotInGame
message kind is game request
- isSmallerEqThen(Metrics) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Metrics
Check is the metrics are smaller or equal than another metrics object.
- iterateTiles() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Map
Returns a Collections of all tiles on the map.
- iterator() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.BuildArea
- iterator() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate.AreaIterator
- iterator() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate.RingIterator
- iterator() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Hand
Iterates over all available Cards on the hand.
- iterator() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Map
- iterator() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Rewards
- kind - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.TileStatusEvent
Kind of the evnet.
- len() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Hand
Amount of playable cards available.
- listen(Event.EventType, ConnectionHandler.EventCallback) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ConnectionHandler
Listen to an Event of the game.
- loadClazzByName(String, Class<? extends Bot>) - Static method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.Config
Loads ClassReferenz by name/file.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.App
entry point to the game
- Manual - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.TileStatusEvent.TileStatusKind
event manual triggered.
- map - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.ChallengeTickEvent
Current map of tiles, in the world.
- map - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Map
Map containing all placed tiles.
- Map - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world
The map contains all tiles currently placed in the world.
- Map() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Map
Creates a empty map.
- Map.MapIterator - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world
Iterator for the map.
- MapIterator(Iterator<CubeCoordinate>) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Map.MapIterator
Creates a filtered Iterator from a CubeCoordinate iterator.
- Marketplace - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
Marketplace tile.
- MarketplaceTile - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
A Marketplace is a tile producing money.
- MarketplaceTile() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MarketplaceTile
Creates a coordinate less market place tile.
- MarketplaceTile(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MarketplaceTile
Creates a market place with coordinates.
- MarketplaceTile(CubeCoordinate, JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MarketplaceTile
Creates a market place with a coordinate and extra json meta data.
- MarketplaceTile(MarketplaceTile) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MarketplaceTile
Creates a copy/clone of a market place.
- materials - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureMarketplaceTileAction
percentage of materials to sell: in [0.0, 1.0]
- materials - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Metrics
materials component of the metrics/resources
- materials - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MarketplaceTile
amount of materials being sold
- Materials - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Reward.RewardType
reward contains materials
- metrics - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.ChallengeTickEvent
Current metrics of the players.
- Metrics - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world
Metrics aka Resources.
- Metrics() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Metrics
Create empty metrics object.
- Metrics(Metrics) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Metrics
Copy the metrics
- metricsRate - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.ChallengeTickEvent
Current players metrics rate.
- metricsTarget - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.ChallengeTickEvent
Metrics target of the current round.
- Moai - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
Moai tile.
- MoaiTile - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
A Moai is a tile producing nothing.
- MoaiTile() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MoaiTile
Creates a coordinate less moai tile.
- MoaiTile(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MoaiTile
Creates a moai with coordinates.
- MoaiTile(CubeCoordinate, JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MoaiTile
Creates a moai with a coordinate and extra json meta data.
- money - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Metrics
money component of the metrics/resources
- Money - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Reward.RewardType
reward contains money
- mul(double) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Vec2
multiply vector by a scalar value (this will not be modified)
- mul(int) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
Multiply CubeVector by a scalar value.
- negate() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
Create a negated CubeVector.
- negate() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Vec2
negates a vector (this will not be modified)
- newInstance(CubeCoordinate, JSONObject) - Method in enum page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
Create a new instance of a tile with coordinates and raw jason data.
- newInstanceBare() - Method in enum page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
Creates a new instance of a tile without any data.
- next() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate.AreaIterator
- next() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate.RingIterator
- next() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Map.MapIterator
- NotInGame - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication
Message from game to bot, before game is started.
- NotInGame(NotInGame.Type) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication.NotInGame
Creates a NotInGame message from a message type.
- NotInGame.Type - Enum in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication
Type of a NotInGame message.
- NotInGameResponse - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication
NotInGameResponse is the response of NotInGame message, from the bot to the game.
- NotInGameResponse(NotInGameResponse.Type) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication.NotInGameResponse
Create a NotInGameResponse with a type.
- NotInGameResponse.Type - Enum in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication
Type of a NotInGameResponse.
- onClose(WebSocket, int, String, boolean) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.BotServer
- onError(WebSocket, Exception) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.BotServer
- onMessage(WebSocket, String) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.BotServer
- onOpen(WebSocket, ClientHandshake) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.BotServer
- onStart() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.BotServer
- page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria - package page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria
- page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots - package page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots
- page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions - package page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions
- page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events - package page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events
- page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication - package page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication
- page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world - package page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world
- page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles - package page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
- PlaceAction - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions
Action is used to place a tile.
- PlaceAction(Tile) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.PlaceAction
Create a PlaceAction with a tile.
- placeTile(int, CubeCoordinate) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Controller
This method places a tile from the hand on the map.
- placeTile(CubeCoordinate) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Controller
This method places the selected tile in the hand on the map.
- placeTile(Tile.TileType, CubeCoordinate) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Controller
This method places a tile of given type on the map.
- placeTile(Tile, CubeCoordinate) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Controller
This method places the selected tile on the map.
- q - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
q component of this coordinate/vector (note: q+r+s = 0)
- Q_VEC - Static variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
cartesian vector of the q component of a vector, with q=1
- r - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureRgbTileAction
color red value: in [0, 255]
- r - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
r component of this coordinate/vector (note: q+r+s = 0)
- r - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.RgbTile
red color value
- R_VEC - Static variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
cartesian vector of the r component of a vector, with r=1
- radius - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.BuildArea
Max build radius of the build area.
- receive(Event) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ConnectionHandler
Message received from ws, for in game.
- reclaimable() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile
Returns whether a tile can be taken again.
- reclaimTime - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile
Time left to reclaim (pick up again) a Tile.
- redraw() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Controller
This method refills the hand with new cards.
- RedrawAction - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions
A RedrawAction will redraw cards, when possible.
- RedrawAction() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.RedrawAction
Creates a RedrawAction
- redrawCosts - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.ChallengeTickEvent
Currents costs for redrawing.
- redrawTime - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.ChallengeTickEvent
Time left to wait for a free redraw.
- register(Event.EventType, ConnectionHandler.EventCallback) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ConnectionHandler
Register an callback to an Event by the Game.
- RegisterEventAction - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions
This action can be used to register events.
- RegisterEventAction(Event.EventType) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.RegisterEventAction
Create a RegisterEventAction with a event to register.
- RejectGame - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication.NotInGameResponse.Type
Rejects a game.
- Removed - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.TileStatusEvent.TileStatusKind
event was triggered by the tile remover.
- Reward - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world
Rewards are small boni collectable with a variable value.
- Reward(Reward.RewardType, double, CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Reward
Creates a reward
- Reward.RewardType - Enum in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world
type of a reward.
- RewardFactorMax - Static variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Reward
max reward metrics factor
- RewardFactorMin - Static variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Reward
min rewards metrics factor
- rewards - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.ChallengeTickEvent
All rewards, that are collectable.
- rewards - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Rewards
list of all rewards
- Rewards - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world
List of Rewards.
- Rewards() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Rewards
Creates a empty Rewards (list)
- Rgb - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
Rgb tile.
- RgbTile - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
A rgb tile can be used in creative mode, for visual purposes.
- RgbTile() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.RgbTile
Creates a coordinate less rgb tile.
- RgbTile(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.RgbTile
Creates a rgb tile with coordinates.
- RgbTile(CubeCoordinate, JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.RgbTile
Creates a rgb tiles with a coordinate and extra json meta data.
- RgbTile(RgbTile) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.RgbTile
Create a copy/clone of a house.
- RingIterator(CubeCoordinate.RingIterator) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate.RingIterator
Creates a copy of another RingIterator.
- RingIterator(CubeCoordinate, int) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate.RingIterator
Constructs a new RingIterator with a center and radius.
- round - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.ChallengeTickEvent
Current game round.
- roundTime - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.ChallengeTickEvent
Time left in the current round.
- s - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
s component of this coordinate/vector (note: q+r+s = 0)
- S_VEC - Static variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
cartesian vector of the s component of a vector, with s=1
- selectSlot(int) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Controller
Select a slot in the hand.
- send(Action) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ConnectionHandler
Send action to Game.
- send(ActionsList) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ConnectionHandler
Send actions to Game.
- serialize() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.Action
Serialize a sendable Action package.
- serialize() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ActionsList
serializes the action list to a json string
- serialize() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication.NotInGameResponse
serializes this object to json.
- serialize() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
serializes a CubeCoordinate to json
- serialize() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Metrics
serializes Metrics to json
- serialize() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile
serializes a tile to a json object.
- serializeData() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.Action
Serializes the data of the Action.
- serializeData() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.CollectRewardAction
- serializeData() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureChameleonTileAction
- serializeData() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureMarketplaceTileAction
- serializeData() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureRgbTileAction
- serializeData() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.GetTileStatusAction
- serializeData() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.PlaceAction
- serializeData() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.RedrawAction
- serializeData() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.RegisterEventAction
- serializeData() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.TakeAction
- serializeData() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.UnRegisterAllEventsAction
- serializeData() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.UnRegisterEventAction
- serializeData() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ChameleonTile
- serializeData() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MarketplaceTile
- serializeData() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.RgbTile
- serializeData() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile
Serializes extra Data of an Tile, to be send.
- size() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ActionsList
amount of action in the action list.
- size() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Rewards
Amount of collectable rewards.
- SmallHouse - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
SmallHouse tile.
- SmallHouseTile - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
A SmallHouse is a tile producing money.
- SmallHouseTile() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.SmallHouseTile
Creates a coordinate less small house tile.
- SmallHouseTile(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.SmallHouseTile
Creates a small house with coordinates.
- SmallHouseTile(CubeCoordinate, JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.SmallHouseTile
Creates a small house with a coordinate and extra json meta data.
- SQRT_3 - Static variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
square root of 3
- start(ConnectionHandler) - Method in interface page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.BotServer.OnGameStart
on game start
- startGame(ConnectionHandler) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Bot
Gets called on game start.
- startGame(ConnectionHandler) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ChallengeBot
- StoneHill - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
StoneHill tile.
- StoneHillTile - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
A StoneHill is a tile producing nothing.
- StoneHillTile() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneHillTile
Creates a coordinate less stone hill tile.
- StoneHillTile(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneHillTile
Creates a stone hill with coordinates.
- StoneHillTile(CubeCoordinate, JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneHillTile
Creates a stone hill with a coordinate and extra json meta data.
- StoneMountain - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
StoneMountain tile.
- StoneMountainTile - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
A StoneMountain is a tile producing nothing.
- StoneMountainTile() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneMountainTile
Creates a coordinate less stone mountain tile.
- StoneMountainTile(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneMountainTile
Creates a stone mountain with coordinates.
- StoneMountainTile(CubeCoordinate, JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneMountainTile
Creates a stone mountain with a coordinate and extra json meta data.
- StoneQuarry - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
StoneQuarry tile.
- StoneQuarryTile - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
A StoneQuarry is a tile producing materials.
- StoneQuarryTile() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneQuarryTile
Creates a coordinate less stone quarry tile.
- StoneQuarryTile(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneQuarryTile
Creates a stone quarry with coordinates.
- StoneQuarryTile(CubeCoordinate, JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneQuarryTile
Creates a stone quarry with a coordinate and extra json meta data.
- StoneRocks - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
StoneRocks tile.
- StoneRocksTile - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
A StoneRocks is a tile producing nothing.
- StoneRocksTile() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneRocksTile
Creates a coordinate less stone rocks tile.
- StoneRocksTile(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneRocksTile
Creates stone rocks with coordinates.
- StoneRocksTile(CubeCoordinate, JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.StoneRocksTile
Creates stone rocks with a coordinate and extra json meta data.
- sub(CubeCoordinate) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
Subtract CubeVector, to this CubeCoordinate/CubeVector.
- sub(Vec2) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Vec2
subtract two vectors (neither will be modified)
- takeable() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile
Returns whether a tile can be taken again.
- TakeAction - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions
Action for taking/reclaiming a tile.
- TakeAction(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.TakeAction
Create a take action with a coordinate
- takeTile(CubeCoordinate) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Controller
This method takes one tile from the map and puts it back to the hand.
- text - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureChameleonTileAction
Text to display above this tile.
- text - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ChameleonTile
Text displayed above this tile.
- tile - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.PlaceAction
tile to place
- tile - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.TileStatusEvent
Data of the changed tile.
- Tile - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
Abstract class for a tile.
- TILE_SIZE - Static variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
Distance between tow tiles centers, connecting on there edges.
- Tile.TileType - Enum in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
Encodes all Tile variants.
- TileClicked - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.Event.EventType
Event type for: User clicked a tile in creative mode.
- TileClickedEvent - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events
Event gets send when the user clicks a tile in creative mode.
- TileClickedEvent(JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.TileClickedEvent
Creates a TileClickedEvent from json data.
- TileStatus - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.Event.EventType
Event type for: Tile status changed.
- TileStatusEvent - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events
Event gets send when the map was updated.
- TileStatusEvent(JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.TileStatusEvent
Creates a TileClickedEvent from json data.
- TileStatusEvent.TileStatusKind - Enum in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events
TileStatusKind descripes the reason, why an event was send.
- tileType - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.TileClickedEvent
Type of clicked tile.
- timedExecutor(Callable<T>, int) - Static method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.Executor
Executes a Callable with a time limit.
- timedExecutorDetached(Callable<T>, int) - Static method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.Executor
Executes a Callable with a time limit, but detached from the main thread.
- TooManyActionsException() - Constructor for exception page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Controller.TooManyActionsException
Creates a message less TooManyActionsException
- TooManyActionsException(String) - Constructor for exception page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.Controller.TooManyActionsException
Creates a TooManyActionsException with a message indicating the overflowing action.
- toString() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.ChallengeTickEvent
- toString() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.TileClickedEvent
- toString() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.TileStatusEvent
- toString() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication.NotInGame
- toString() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.BuildArea
- toString() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
- toString() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Hand
- toString() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Map
- toString() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Metrics
- toString() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Reward
- toString() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Rewards
- toString() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile
- toVec() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
Converts this CubeCoordinate/CubeVector to cartesian coordinates.
- type - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.ConfigureChameleonTileAction
Tile variant the chameleon tile should morph into.
- type - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Reward
type of this reward
- type - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ChameleonTile
Tile variant the chameleon tile is morphed into.
- unitFromDirection(int) - Static method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.CubeCoordinate
Create a unit CubeCoordinate Vector from direction index.
- unregister() - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ConnectionHandler
Unregister all Events.
- unregister(ConnectionHandler.EventRef) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ConnectionHandler
Unregister a specific Event.
- unregister(Event.EventType) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.ConnectionHandler
Unregister all callbacks of a specific event type.
- UnRegisterAllEventsAction - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions
UnRegisterAllEventsAction is action to unregister all action already registered.
- UnRegisterAllEventsAction() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.UnRegisterAllEventsAction
Creates a UnRegisterAllEventsAction
- UnRegisterEventAction - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions
Action tht unregisters a event, by the event type
- UnRegisterEventAction(Event.EventType) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.actions.UnRegisterEventAction
Creates a UnRegisterEventAction with event type to unregister
- value - Variable in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Reward
An assessment of how good a reward is, between 0 und 1.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.Event.EventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.TileStatusEvent.TileStatusKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication.NotInGame.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication.NotInGameResponse.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Reward.RewardType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.Event.EventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.events.TileStatusEvent.TileStatusKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication.NotInGame.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.communication.NotInGameResponse.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Reward.RewardType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- Vec2 - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world
a cartesian vector
- Vec2(double, double) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.Vec2
creates a cartesian vectors
- Wheat - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
Wheat tile.
- WheatTile - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
A wheat tile produces food.
- WheatTile() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.WheatTile
Creates a coordinate less wheat tile.
- WheatTile(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.WheatTile
Creates a wheat tile with coordinates.
- WheatTile(CubeCoordinate, JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.WheatTile
Creates a wheat tile with a coordinate and extra json meta data.
- Windmill - page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.Tile.TileType
Windmill tile.
- WindmillTile - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles
A Windmill is a tile producing food.
- WindmillTile() - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.WindmillTile
Creates a coordinate less wind mill tile.
- WindmillTile(CubeCoordinate) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.WindmillTile
Creates a wind mill with coordinates.
- WindmillTile(CubeCoordinate, JSONObject) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.WindmillTile
Creates a wind mill with a coordinate and extra json meta data.
- withBlue(int) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.RgbTile
Configure blue color channel value Will only be applied when placing the tile.
- withColors(int, int, int) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.RgbTile
- withData(Tile.TileType, String) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ChameleonTile
Short hand for
Will only be applied when placing the tile. - withFoodRatio(double) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MarketplaceTile
Sets ratio of food that should be sold in the area around this marketplace.
- withGreen(int) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.RgbTile
Configure green color channel value Will only be applied when placing the tile.
- withMaterialsRatio(double) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MarketplaceTile
Sets ratio of materials that should be sold in the area around this marketplace.
- withRatio(double, double) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.MarketplaceTile
Configure Marketplace sale ratio shorthand for
; Will only be applied when placing the tile. - withRed(int) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.RgbTile
Configure red color channel value Will only be applied when placing the tile.
- withText(String) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ChameleonTile
Set debug text displayed above..
- withType(Tile.TileType) - Method in class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.world.tiles.ChameleonTile
Set tile type.
- World - Class in page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots
World is a wrapper for ChallengeTickEvent, providing easy access to world data.
- World(ChallengeTickEvent) - Constructor for class page.codeberg.terratactician_expandoria.bots.World
Creates a World object from a ChallengeTickEvent.
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