BeehiveTile |
A bee hive is a tile producing food.
ChameleonTile |
A chameleon tile can be used in chameleon mode, for visual purposes.
DoubleHouseTile |
A DoubleHouse is a tile producing money.
ForestTile |
A Forest tile produces materials.
GrassTile |
A grass tile does not produce anything.
MarketplaceTile |
A Marketplace is a tile producing money.
MoaiTile |
A Moai is a tile producing nothing.
RgbTile |
A rgb tile can be used in creative mode, for visual purposes.
SmallHouseTile |
A SmallHouse is a tile producing money.
StoneHillTile |
A StoneHill is a tile producing nothing.
StoneMountainTile |
A StoneMountain is a tile producing nothing.
StoneQuarryTile |
A StoneQuarry is a tile producing materials.
StoneRocksTile |
A StoneRocks is a tile producing nothing.
Tile |
Abstract class for a tile.
WheatTile |
A wheat tile produces food.
WindmillTile |
A Windmill is a tile producing food.