Action |
An Action is Package Send from bot to the game.
ActionsList |
A list of action, to be send to the game together.
CollectRewardAction |
CollectReward is a action used for collecting small rewards.
ConfigureChameleonTileAction |
ConfigureChameleon is an Action to change the type and text of a placed
chameleon tile.
ConfigureMarketplaceTileAction |
ConfigureMarket is action to change the trade ration of a market place.
ConfigureRgbTileAction |
ConfigureRgb is an Action to change the color of a placed rgb tile.
GetTileStatusAction |
PlaceAction |
Action is used to place a tile.
RedrawAction |
A RedrawAction will redraw cards, when possible.
RegisterEventAction |
This action can be used to register events.
TakeAction |
Action for taking/reclaiming a tile.
UnRegisterAllEventsAction |
UnRegisterAllEventsAction is action to unregister all action already
UnRegisterEventAction |
Action tht unregisters a event, by the event type