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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description Action An Action is Package Send from bot to the game.ActionsList A list of action, to be send to the game together.App Main class of the game.BeehiveTile A bee hive is a tile producing food.Bot A general class describing a abstract Bot kind.BotServer The BotServer handles all connection and starting games.BotServer.OnGameStart Game Starter interface for lambdas.BuildArea The BuildArea describes the area where tiles are placable.ChallengeBot A ChallengeBot is the scaffolding for Bot playing the game in challenge mode.ChallengeTickEvent A ChallengeTickEvent is a event send by the game to indicate, that the challenge bot should play a move.ChameleonTile A chameleon tile can be used in chameleon mode, for visual purposes.CollectRewardAction CollectReward is a action used for collecting small rewards.Config Bot Config.ConfigureChameleonTileAction ConfigureChameleon is an Action to change the type and text of a placed chameleon tile.ConfigureMarketplaceTileAction ConfigureMarket is action to change the trade ration of a market place.ConfigureRgbTileAction ConfigureRgb is an Action to change the color of a placed rgb tile.ConnectionHandler Handles the connection with a game.ConnectionHandler.EventCallback Interface for callable thinks.ConnectionHandler.EventRef EventRef is a smart reference for a specific registered event.Controller Controller for the challenge mode.CreativeBot Structure for a creative bot.CubeCoordinate CubeCoordinate/CubeVector: This class can be used to compute Coordinates or Vectors in a hexagon world.DoubleHouseTile A DoubleHouse is a tile producing money.Event Events are messages send from the game to the bot.Event.EventType Type of incoming events.Executor static helper class, for timed function execution.ForestTile A Forest tile produces materials.GameOverEvent Event send on game over.GetTileStatusAction Action for requesting aManual
.GrassTile A grass tile does not produce anything.Hand Hand class is list of Tiles.Map The map contains all tiles currently placed in the world.MarketplaceTile A Marketplace is a tile producing money.Metrics Metrics aka Resources.MoaiTile A Moai is a tile producing nothing.NotInGame Message from game to bot, before game is started.NotInGame.Type Type of a NotInGame message.NotInGameResponse NotInGameResponse is the response of NotInGame message, from the bot to the game.NotInGameResponse.Type Type of a NotInGameResponse.PlaceAction Action is used to place a tile.RedrawAction A RedrawAction will redraw cards, when possible.RegisterEventAction This action can be used to register events.Reward Rewards are small boni collectable with a variable value.Reward.RewardType type of a reward.Rewards List of Rewards.RgbTile A rgb tile can be used in creative mode, for visual purposes.SmallHouseTile A SmallHouse is a tile producing money.StoneHillTile A StoneHill is a tile producing nothing.StoneMountainTile A StoneMountain is a tile producing nothing.StoneQuarryTile A StoneQuarry is a tile producing materials.StoneRocksTile A StoneRocks is a tile producing nothing.TakeAction Action for taking/reclaiming a tile.Tile Abstract class for a tile.Tile.TileType Encodes all Tile variants.TileClickedEvent Event gets send when the user clicks a tile in creative mode.TileStatusEvent Event gets send when the map was updated.TileStatusEvent.TileStatusKind TileStatusKind descripes the reason, why an event was send.UnRegisterAllEventsAction UnRegisterAllEventsAction is action to unregister all action already registered.UnRegisterEventAction Action tht unregisters a event, by the event typeVec2 a cartesian vectorWheatTile A wheat tile produces food.WindmillTile A Windmill is a tile producing food.World World is a wrapper for ChallengeTickEvent, providing easy access to world data.